Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why Don't I have A Good Feeling About This..

Yes I am all for saving the world from second hand smoke...As well as I also believe that it is a person's choice what they put in their body. I have watched over the years as one by one the states across the country have decided to ban smoking in bars and restaurants and even hotels. Raleigh itself even has quite a few smoke free hotels.

Year after year NC has tried to pass smoking bans and time after time they have failed. Why you may ask....Let me explain, growing up here across the street was a giant tobacco farm, even now grown up , married, and moved away - I still can see tobacco fields. Every year the road to my neighborhood is littered with leaves that have fallen off trucks on their way to the curing houses. Well yesterday NC made a bold move and the State Senate and House passed a smoking ban in bars and restaurants state wide. Normally this wouldn't bother me but as an added little bump in the legislation a fine program has been added to the bill. If signed there would be a $50 fine per offense. Which will probably make me bankrupt since my husband's favorite bar is also his favorite place to smoke and entire pack of cigarettes in one night.

Pray for me..

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